Monday, 27 November 2006

Better web site

We have completely updated these web pages, hopefully correcting a few errors and giving a better appearance. The program that we are now using should allow more possibilities in the future. For example, in several weeks we should post here an 'animated' version of the christmas card.

Thursday, 23 November 2006

Painting the wall with the new color

We are painting in another color the wall that surrounds the camping. The new color will look more natural and it will be also more practical.

Monday, 13 November 2006

25 new bungalows

We are going to install 25 new bungalows 5p Plus and the new area is already being prepared. Here below you can see how the work is progressing. The affected area is streets 16, 17 and 18, that is, just on the other side of the already existing group of bungalows 5p Plus.

The reason to put them in that area is because, although full of nice and big trees, there were some small places and the streets were too narrow, difficult for current long caravans and camping cars. Also, in that way the new and the existing group of bungalows will be together. Anyway, the priority is to save as much trees as possible.